Duckduckgo search bar widget
Duckduckgo search bar widget

duckduckgo search bar widget duckduckgo search bar widget

You can’t add additional search engines here. Searches you perform from Safari’s address bar will use the search engine you choose here. On iOS 7, you can choose between Google, Yahoo, and Bing - Google is the default. Open the Settings app, tap Safari, tap Search Engine, and choose your desired search engine.

duckduckgo search bar widget

The iOS version of Safari allows you to change your default search engine. RELATED: 8 Tips and Tricks for Browsing with Safari on iPad and iPhone If you’re using the Google Experience Launcher, the Google search widget is part of your launcher and can’t be removed - you’ll have to use a different Android launcher to remove the search box. You can also long-press the Google search widget and remove it from your home screen. Download the app, long-press your home screen, and add the widget.

Duckduckgo search bar widget